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We have a test environment (sandbox) prepared to simulate different cases of success and failure when processing your operations.

To start testing, check the following:

  • Have your keys in order to use the API. If you're using the javascript client you must use your public key, otherwise you must use your private key.
  • Use test data for card numbers, security codes cvv2 and expiration dates.
  • Properly handle the errors that the API returns.
  • If you are using Webhooks, be sure that your implementation is ready to receive the messages that the Openpay platform sends.

Mientras estas en tu fase de pruebas, te recomendamos ingresar al dashboard desde el que podrás consultar la siguiente información:

  • Public and private keys as well as your registration data in general.
  • Records of all your transactions.
  • Records of all your requests whether they are charges and payments operations or administrative operations.

Charging a card

Valid card numbers

Para la simulacion de cargos con tarjeta, te proporcionamos lo siguientes numeros validos:

Card numberBrandBank
5555555555554444MasterCardBANCO SANTANDER SERFIN
(Acepta pago con puntos)
(Acepta pago con puntos)
345678000000007AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESS
341111111111111AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESS
343434343434343AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESS
Note: Si intentas hacer un cargo con cualquier otro numero de tarjeta, el sistema te regresara un codigo de error.

Effective dates and security codes valid.

Only have to use a higher date of the current month and any security code 3 digit for VISA, MASTERCARD and 4 digits for AMEX

Invalid card numbers **

In order to be able to simulate more error cases, we provide the following card numbers:

Número de tarjetaErrorDescription
42222222222222203001The card has been rejected.
40000000000000693002Card is expired.
44444444444444483003Card has not enough funds.
40000000000001193004Card has been flagged as stolen.
40000000000000443005Card has been rejected by the antifraud system.
54545454545454543005Card has been rejected by the antifraud system.
3400000000000093001The card has been rejected.
3737373737373743002Card is expired.
3700000000000023003Card has not enough funds.

Saving cards

In the sandbox environment all operations are simulated, so you can only store the following card numbers:

Número de tarjetaBrandBankType
5555555555554444MasterCardBANCO SANTANDER SERFINDebit
4444444444444448VisaBANCO MERCANTIL DEL NORTECredit
345678000000007AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESSCredit
341111111111111AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESSCredit
343434343434343AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESSCredit
370000000000002​AmericanExpressAMERICAN EXPRESSCredit
Note: Any other card you try to register, the system will return an error code.

Selective authentication

Número de tarjetaBrandBankType
Note: Esta tarjeta será aprobada en un cargo con 3D Secure, en cualquier otra modalida será rechazada por la herramienta antifraude.


If you have Webhooksconfigured, you don’t have to do anything but have your site ready to start receiving notifications.

El ambiente de sandbox esta preparado para enviar las notificaciones tal como si se tratará de un ambiente productivo.