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Banks payments

The purpouse of this guide is to explain how to generate references for bank payments step by step. With them, your customers will be able to pay transactions through a CIE Bancomer agreement number, or sending a payment through SPEI for other banks.

How a bank payment is accepted

Flujo para realizar cargos en banco


  1. The customer confirms the sale in your website, selecting Bank transfer as a payment method
  2. Send a bank charge request to Openpay
  3. Create a payment order for your customer with the returned information
  4. The customer makes the payment through their bank website.
  5. Openpay receives and validates the payment
  6. Openpay notifies the payment to your server

This tutorial you can see steps 2 and 3, for step 6 details please check notifications section

Create a charge (Step 2)

In order to receive a payment through a bank you need to create a charge indicating the type of method el tipo bank_account as follows:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('mzdtln0bmtms6o3kck8f',

$chargeData = array(
    'method' => 'bank_account',
    'amount' => 200.00,
    'description' => 'Cargo con banco',
    'order_id' => 'oid-00051');

$charge = $openpay->charges->create($chargeData);

When the charge is created, a transaction object will be returned.


  "id" : "t6utz9dywve6zipnppys",
  "description" : "Cargo con banco",
  "error_message" : null,
  "authorization" : null,
  "amount" : 100,
  "operation_type" : "in",
  "payment_method" : {
    "type" : "bank_transfer",
    "bank" : "BBVA Bancomer",
    "agreement" : "1411217",
    "clabe" : "00000000000000000000",
    "name" : "11094690394055678934"
  "order_id" : "oid-00051",
  "transaction_type" : "charge",
  "creation_date" : "2013-12-05T17:50:09-06:00",
  "currency" : "MXN",
  "status" : "in_progress",
  "method" : "bank_account"

Con está información puedes generar una ficha de depósito a tu cliente para que realice un pago a un servicio CIE Bancomer o mediante una transferencia interbancaria vía SPEI.

For more information see the charges reference

Creating a deposit slip (Step 3)

It’s very important that you generate a payment receipt with the following information, so that your customer can make the transfer successfully:

  1. Company name
  • Your company name
  1. Payment due date
  • The date representing the last day the payment will be valid.
  1. Amount Due​
  • Exact value of the amount field.
  1. Payment instructions
  • Instructions for the customer to complete the payment through their bank, both for Bancomer and for other banks. See the following section for details.

Payment instructions for Bancomer

  1. The customer must log into their online account in Bancomer, and in the top menu "Pagar", select "De servicios".
  2. Enter the CIE agreement number
  3. Fill the required fields with the following information:
  • Reference
  • Exact amount to pay
  • Payment description

Payment instructions for other banks

  1. The customer may need to register the deposit bank account with the following information:
    • Name of the recipient bank
    • Account's CLABE number
    • Name of the recipient company
  2. In the transfers or payments to third parties section, provide the rest of the information:
    • Exact amount to pay
    • In the description, type the 20-digit reference number
    • In the reference number, type the 7-digit agreement number.

Openpay generic payment slip

Ejemplo de recibo genérico

Openpay offers the possibility of retrieving a generic payment slip with the necessary information so your customer can complete their bank transfer successfully. To retrieve it, you need to create an URL with the following structure:



Production {DASHBOARD_PATH} =

{MERCHANT_ID} = your merchant id

{TRANSACTION_ID} = field value id of the transaction object returned when the charge was created




The PDF of the receipt will only be available if the transaction is in pending status. Once the customer has made the payment or the transaction has been canceled the receipt will no longer be displayed.

  • Make sure your integration meets version compatibility requirements see details
  • Implement the Notifications to know the status of payments in real time