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Stores on map

You can add to your site a map to locate nearby stores, using the browser location, address or zip code.

Searching stores on the map

You can add to your site a map to search stores.  
<iframe src=""></iframe>
  • If you want to disable the browser location you must add the parameter locationNotAllowed=true in the URL of property src of iframe tag
<iframe src=""></iframe>
  • You can search fields parameterized by adding the following parameters:
  • Address: address=Querétaro
  • Postal code: postalCode=76900
  • Amount: amount=2000 Amount: The amount is a hidden parameter field, this is useful in large amounts of payments for some stores there is a maximum payment limit.
  • You can also include the map in a modal:

  $(document).ready(function(){  $(".iframe").colorbox({iframe:true, width:"80%", height:"80%"});  //Example of preserving a JavaScript event for inline calls.  $("#click").click(function(){   $('#click').css({"background-color":"#f00", "color":"#fff", "cursor":"inherit"});  return false;  }); }); 

Localiza tu tienda mas cercana dando click here

Try it by clicking here

Colorbox was used to create this example.