About OpenCart
OpenCart is a free web platform that enables users to quickly start an eCommerce with the minimum amount of settings and configurations required.
We put at your disposal the plugin for OpenCart, that brings the functionalities for you to add and set up Openpay's supported payment methods (credit card, stores and wire transfers) inside the shopping flow of your eCommerce based on this platform.
Supported versions
OpenCart or greater
It is required for the server that hosts your OpenCart store to fulfill the following:
- Apache web server
- PHP 5.2 or greater.
- MySQL v5.0 or greater.
- Have a SSL certificate for your eCommerce, in case you wish to accept credit card payments.
It is also necessary that the installed PHP version comply with these settings:
- Register Globals disabled.
- Magic Quotes GPC disabled.
- File uploads enabled.
- Session Auto Start disabled.
- GD (with PNG image processing) extension enabled.
- cURL extension enabled.
- ZIP extension enabled.
In order to install the Openpay plugins on your OpenCart store you need to follow these steps:
Note: This installation sequence has to be performed for each plugin you want to enable.
- Download the ZIP file that contains all the plugins. You can use this link.
- Unzip the downloaded file. Inside the directory are the Openpay payment methods.

3. On your OpenCart admin panel, go to Extensions -> Installer. Click the Upload option button, browse and select the ZIP file of the payment method's plugin you want to install.

If you come across with the error FTP needs to be enabled in the settingsduring the installation, you will have to install a platform fix that you can download using this link. Follow the guidelines provided in that site in order to apply this fix successfully.
4. Una vez se haya instalado el plugin aparecera el siguiente mensaje.

5. Ir a la sección Extensions -> Extensions, ubicar en el listado de busqueda el filtro payments.

6. Dar click en install para que el plugin quede instalado correctamente

1. Dentro de su dashboard ya sea Sandbox ó Producción, en la barra superior hacer click en el icono de engrane y seleccionar “Credenciales de API”.

2.- Aparecerá una pantalla como la que se muestra a continuación.

3. On your OpenCart admin panel, go to Extensions -> PaymentsFind the recently installed plugin and click the Edit.

4. Completar el formulario de configuración contemplando los siguientes puntos:
General settings
- Test mode: Defines whether the plugin is working on a testing or a productive environment.
- Test Merchant ID, Secret Key, Public Key: Openpay's merchant account API credentials (check out step 1), on testing environment.
- Live Merchant ID, Secret Key, Public Key: Openpay's merchant account API credentials (check out step 1), on productive environment.
Common module settings
- Status: Defines whether the payment method will be available to your customers or not.
- Title: Payment method caption to be shown to your customer on your eCommerce's shopping flow.
- Total: Minimum purchase amount to make available the payment method.
- Sort order: Order in which the payment method is shown.
Card payments settings
- How to process the charge? Defines the type of charge to be made:
- Direct: An evaluation of the charge will be carried out and it will be rejected if the anti-fraud system detected any anomaly.
- 3D Secure: A redirect to the bank will be carried out so that the client is authenticated in his bank.
- Selective authentication: An evaluation of the charge will be carried out and if the anti-fraud system detects any anomaly, a 3D secure charge will be executed.
- Configuración del cargo (Charge settings).- Indicates whether the charge is made immediately or not.
- Pago con puntos (Payment with points).- Receive point payments with BBVA, Santander and citibanamex.
- Guardar tarjetas (Save cards).- Enable saving credit cards.
- Meses sin intereses (Months without interest).- You can enable or disable card payments to months without interest by selecting 3,6,9,12 or 18.

Offline payments settings
- Deadline to pay (hours): Number of hours in which your customers will be able to make the payment, once the order is placed.
- Show map: Al seleccionar esta opción, un mapa se desplegará mostrando las tiendas más cercanas al momento mostrar el recibo de pago.
Payment via a store
Pagos con SPEI

5. Guardar los cambios usando el botón ubicado en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

6. Confirmar que la configuración del plugin haya sido guardada exitosamente.

Store and SPEI payment notifications
The plugin is prepared to receive payment notifications automatically, that is, without the need to configure your Openpay account or plugin. Notifications are sent to merchant when when a charge was made or when a payment reference was expired.
Important: The plugins assume that the store must reside in the root of the domain, so the webhook is created based on this url.
# Pago en tiendas
https://[eCommerce domain]/index.php?route=extension/payment/openpay_stores/webhook
# SPEI (wire transfer)
https://[eCommerce domain]/index.php?route=extension/payment/openpay_banks/webhoo
Webhook verification
It is necessary to verify that the Webhooks were created correctly in Openpay.
1. On your Openpay admin module, go to Options (cog icon) -> Settings.

2. Locate the Webhookssection. If the webhook was configured correctly there will be a record in Verified.